October 12, 2014

Native American Day

October 13th is officially recognized as Native American Day in the state of South Dakota.  South Dakota is the only state in the nation that has officially done away with Columbus Day to more appropriately adopt Native American Day. I think it is time that the rest of the country got on board to give appropriate credit where it is due.

The truth is that Columbus did not discover America as the Native people were here long before his arrival.  Giving a national holiday to celebrate Columbus is offensive to the Native American people who truly were the first settlers of this great land.  It is time to recognize the truth and stop propagating the lies told to children in history class.

In South Dakota Native American Day is celebrated with the opportunity to attend many educational and cultural events that celebrate Native American heritage.  There are many beautiful pow-wows, hoop dances, museum exhibits, lectures and other events for all people - native and non-native to attend.  It is an opportunity for different cultures to unite so that many aspects of Native American culture can be shared.I am very proud to live in a state in which I have opportunities to learn about this beautiful culture.

I am also very proud to live in a state that has the integrity to stand up for the truth.  Native American Day was officially adopted in 1990, which was declared the "Year of Reconciliation" by the then serving governor George S. Mickelson.  This was not an easy thing to pass as there was still many prejudices and cases of discrimination through out the state.  This passed in South Dakota because we had a white man in power with the integrity to stand up for the truth and respect for all people.  Native people of other states would like to follow suit in the abolition of Columbus Day but what they are missing is a strong Governor who believes in truth and integrity to make it happen.  We are all one and people must unite for real change to take place.  If you believe it is time for the truth to be told please consider writing to your own governors for the adoption of Native American Day in your state.

I am also going to be having a Native American Day Sale on all the herbs and crystals in my store in protest to the big corporations like Walmart that come into our state and continue to promote their Columbus Day sales - we don't recognize Columbus Day!.  I also want people to have the opportunity to experience the wonderful bounty and healing energies that mother earth has provided for us - things that the Native Americans have known about and used for centuries.

Wishing you all a wonderful Native American Day!

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